How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Brand and Drive Sales

Using Instagram to Promote Your Brand and Drive Sales – The Hows!

Are you a layman in the Instagram business world? Do you consider yourself a brand lost in the myriad of images and engagements of the Instagram Business algorithm? Well, the time is here for your brand to retail on Instagram! 

Instagram has acclaimed itself as not just a social but also a business platform that yields results. It’s no longer about candid pictures or random selfies. Instead, it’s become a space for up and coming brands to make a name for themselves alongside corporate giants. It is a dynamic forum for image-sharing that provides interesting ways for brands to generate publicity, engagement, and engage in conversation with their clients.

Many companies are seeking ways to connect with the Instagram community and gain directly invested consumers who keep coming back for more now that Instagram has over 1 billion monthly users.

It is not only the numbers that you should think about, though. Thinking about the people who use Instagram and their buying behavior, is what will guide your strategizing.

It is very likely that you are already trying your best to market your company through Instagram.

Here are some of the easiest (and most effective) ways to increase your sales on Instagram and optimize your content.

  • Optimize Your Business Instagram Account:

Refining your Instagram business account is the first step before you start marketing and promoting your products on Instagram.

What you’re really doing is confirming that your Instagram profile has the required data and contact information to prevent them from turning away as potential customers search or discover your brand online.

To optimize your account, the following steps are very crucial. 

  • Add a Recognizable Photo and easy to type & find Username
  • Include your website Link to Boost Traffic to Your Site
  • An Interesting Bio That Hooks Followers.
  • Turn Your Instagram Profile Into a Storefront:

Welcome clients to your store in your bio, and provide a simple call to action. ; Attaching a phone number is convenient, too, because if they need anything, shoppers can directly communicate with you. You also might want to share an offer for a certain amount spent, such as free shipping or a discount.

To showcase your offers, new products, and more, create highlight albums. , Keep your highlight albums easy with engaging covers.

Using your story posts in the same way as your shop windows are used by a brick-and-mortar store. Show off your goods, share exclusive deals, and so on.

  • Develop a Signature Style With Your Photos

One way you can build brand recognition is to post consistently recognizable images. Since Instagram is a visual medium, it’s worth the effort to explore & understand how to photograph your products or budget for a photographer to capture photographs of your products or services along with pre-decided concepts & design lines.  

  • Create an Instagram Marketing Strategy

Create an Instagram marketing strategy for your business so that you can set goals and actions that align with your content. A strategy also helps you to measure how effective your Instagram marketing is in terms of the type of engagement, revenue, and the impact you want your brand to have.
Some steps you can follow in developing an Instagram marketing strategy are
       Create a Marketing Goal – It could be as simple as planning to sell x amount of products per month, get more subscribers, increase repeat shoppers or all of the above.
      Create a Content Marketing Plan –  Your content marketing plan is the key to creating amazing content, and it’ll help you to keep your sanity when you’re trying to come up with ideas for content to showcase on Instagram.

       Social Media Strategy (Checklist) – It’s a daily, weekly, and monthly to-do list for your social media accounts. It helps you manage your Instagram account with ease, without feeling overwhelmed with comments, likes, and messages constantly flooding you.

  • Develop a Unique Brand Voice

To communicate with your followers on a human level, build a personal voice for your brand. Utilizing emojis in your captions, like a sales expert in a shop, definitely makes your brand more thoughtful and accessible.

Share videos of individuals using your items as well. You’ll have inspired buyers and a greater chance of making a sale if customers can imagine themselves using your goods. 

  • Share Your Company Philosophy and Passion

Match to your favorite cause with your content. People who have similar interests will start following the brand or the page. Because of what you stand for, they’ll identify with you.

It’s easier to communicate on a human level with your Instagram followers when you have a specific goal, thus developing a friendship. Use your Instagram account to be that friendly salesperson.

  • Boost Engagement on Instagram & Strengthen Customer Relationships.

People will most likely unfollow you or buy from your rivals if consumers are ignored on social media or find an inactive brand on Instagram.

This is something no one wants, so start getting involved!

4 easy routes to Engage with your Followers on Instagram

  • Ask them questions about your products
  • Answer their questions/replies in the comments
  • Recommend products they might need or want
  • Converse with them in the comments section
  • Enquire on feedback about your services or products
  • Support and Reward Influential Brand Advocates

Flattery is going to get you a long way! In social selling, the brand supporters play a critical role; they are the ones sharing the storey as they see and experience it. A powerful selling tool is to repost their content. Not only do you exchange customer endorsements for your products, but by mentioning certain customers on social media, you also express your gratitude. It’s like a message of thanks for the purchase.

  • Answer all Your Instagram DMs

Managing all of your direct messages, comments, and answers can take a lot of time when you’re using Instagram for company! You will have to answer the same question often, over and over (and over) again.

But stick to it! When it comes to maintaining interaction with your prospective and updated followers, answering direct messages and comments is critical.

Luckily, Instagram now provides your direct messages with saved responses, so you can save yourself the trouble of typing.

5 Amazing Tools To generate More Sales On Instagram

LinkTree – Linktree allows you to turn your tiny Instagram website link into a sales funnel for your business.

Like2Buy – Like2Buy offers brands the chance to turn their Instagram posts into shoppable images. 

Instagram Shoppable Post –  Instagram shoppable posts are marked with a “Tap to View Products” pop-up or small white circle with the shopping bag icon.

Instagram Checkout – This offers viewers the chance to use the “Checkout on Instagram” button on the product page, so shoppers can pay for their order without leaving Instagram.

Instagram Stories Shopping Stickers – When you click on an item in Instagram, you’re able to view the item name, price, and description.

You can use Instagram Stories stickers on both images and videos. 

Instagram today can be considered the face of any brand targeting retail online. Take your brand online today, not just with a website but also with your Instagram handle. Increase your revenue and engagement with Instagram.
Need help setting up and getting your Instagram to handle running? Or for that matter, need help with all your digital requirements? Get in touch with me today!

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