The Power of Email Personalization and its benefits & effects.

Personalisation & customisation are the most trending things throughout the globe right now, be it a birthday cake, a festive gift or a wedding gift.
Consumers have come to demand and expect relevant and personalized content and experience, both online and offline.
Personalization is the act of targeting an email campaign to a particular customer in the context of email marketing, by utilising the data and information you have about them. It could be data such as their first name, the last item they purchased, where they live, how often they log in to your app, or a number of other data points.
Personalizing your email campaigns is a proven way to increase your open and click-through rates and can have a measurable impact on your ROI and revenue. Studies have shown emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened than those without, and Rich Relevance found that revenue is 5.7 times higher in emails that employ personalization.
These findings arise from the fact that for subscribers, personalised emails are more pertinent.

Objective of Email-personalisation
The goal behind email personalization is to make the emails on a mass scale feel like they are 1 to 1 emails and have been tailored to the specific person. The goal is to create a stronger relationship with each subscriber and eventually turn them into loyal, long-term customers.

How can you personalize your email campaigns?

1. Use personalization tags
When collecting subscriber information from your opt-in form, make sure to gather important information like the user’s name, email, location, etc. Collecting and using other data can help personalize your emails even further. There are many technologies out there that can tell you which products or service pages a user was on and then you can cater product-based emails directly to those users.

2. Segment your email lists
Customers have varied interests, tastes and preferences. So, there’s no way you can expect them to be happy with a one-size-fits-all approach. This is why you need to divide your audience into groups based on their demographics and interests. You can then use these segments to distribute more relevant and tailored content to each group.

3. Leverage dynamic content
Dynamic content allows you to show different blocks of content within an email to different segments or lists for a particular campaign. For instance, you can create multiple versions of the same email that’s personalized based on the information you have about them (like whether they are male or female, purchase history, etc.) Gone are the days of shotgun emails where you send out a bulk email and pray for results.

4. Use automation to boost relevance and timeliness
Automated content delivery is all about sending the right information to the right people at the right time. Emails can be triggered after a subscriber takes a specific action or hit a milestone. This can be when they purchase a certain number of products, it can be or their birthday, or when they renew their membership.

5. Follow up!
If you haven’t received a response after sending an email, you can send two to three follow-up emails to increase your reply rate by as much as 21% compared to the initial email. Just make sure to craft your follow-up emails so they will get a response. The last thing you want to do is to appear spam or desperate.

Marketing Benefits of Personalized Content in Emails:

Less Email Yields More Customers
Today, email is focused on relevance. When you personalise the subject, timing, and content of an email to the persona of a reader, and section your lists depending on that, you are much more likely to stimulate action.

Improves Lead Nurturing
Lead nurturing is fueled by content. When you can tailor content to the thoughts and needs of each customer, your marketing can build a stronger link and turn more leads into qualified marketing leads (MQLs) and qualified sales leads (SQLs).

Welcomes Newcomers
Content personalization isn’t just a benefit for nurturing — it can also help you welcome newcomers to your audience, too.

Helps Create Marketing People Love
Personalization is based on enabling you to get the right information, to the right people, at the right time — whether that information is email content, a new offer, or an interesting blog post. Generic marketing makes people feel assaulted; personalized marketing makes them feel understood.

Makes Conversion Easier
Every step you take to simplify and clarify the conversion process will help your conversion rate, whether your goal is to get someone to transact, to download an ebook, or to sign up for a webinar. People are more likely to act when the action is fast and easy.

As you can see personalization works. It gets consumers involved with your organisation and can boost your strategy for email marketing.
For your business, it’s also an attainable marketing strategy. Concentrate over what knowledge you have or can gather for your clients and see if it can be used. Starting today is easier than you thought.
If you have any questions about personalization & want to start using it right away, get in touch with me today.

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