What is the Buzz about Hype Marketing & how to create a hype for your product?

What is this? What is happening? Do you ever look at a brand’s social page or ad and react to such? Are you also unable to grasp what exactly the brand is trying to showcase and God, that gets on your curious nerve? That, my friend, is Hype Marketing. 

Hype Marketing can be defined as positive buzz artificially generated by an advertiser who has paid to achieve it. It is a massive interest in a brand or an excessive expectation regarding a future launch, created as the result of a campaign specifically conceived for the purpose.

Through generating hype, brands can interact with their target customers and impact their behavior. It’s a version of the classic economic problem named scarcity, which is defined as a scenario in which an item is in high demand but limited supply.

The most recent and currently trending hype marketing example is Tata Motors. Tata Motors engaged in a unique social media campaign to create awareness and excitement about the new special edition models of Nexon,Altroz,Harrier, and Nexon EV Cars. 

Over 5000 posts were suddenly wiped off from Tata Motors’ Instagram handles, claimed by a mysterious hijacker. 

The Bio reading : This account is now the property of #Dark

This hijack was part of a campaign to introduce the new Dark edition of the four models and successfully created a buzz on social media, along with roping in K L Rahul to create intrigue about the campaign. 

The activity successfully caught people’s attention and over 20000 people interacted with KLRahul’s tweet. 

Unfortunately, small business owners cannot afford the luxury of such hypes. I’m sure many companies would settle for a few hundred million dollar valuation in the global market. 

Regardless of the valuation of your business, getting people to talk about it, from any viewpoint, can assist develop your actual business,

How to Build Hype? 

Make a distinctive and shareable commercial.

The key to creating a buzz is to develop a memorable and compelling ad campaign. This is your best chance to get users to share your ad on social media & with their friends and family.

Here are 5 tips to help you start creating a hype about your new launch. 

Identify “must-have” features and benefits of your product or service. One of the hallmarks of marketing hype is to create a need, instilling in customers the belief that they can’t live without that very thing.

Using media advertising, public relations campaigns, coupons, and direct mail, bombard your market. When customers see your brand everywhere, they’ll start conversing about it, spreading the word-of-mouth buzz that will help you build the trend you want.

In your ad, use a speaker who personifies a trailblazer for your demographics. If you’re pushing a new cell phone app, for example, utilize an adolescent or young adult to promote it.   If your finances allow, hire well-known celebrities for more traction. 

Create a sense of urgency among shoppers to push them to act swiftly. According to the Media Awareness Network, having a limited quantity of a product can encourage people to rush in to get it. Make limited-time discounts or emphasize the fact that your products are part of a trend. If you’re promoting an event, make a big deal out of the fact that your last one sold out in minutes.

Use social media to promote your business through electronic word-of-mouth marketing. For several demographic groups, such as professionals, college students, and high school teenagers, the hype begins and ends on their personal social networking accounts or in the most recent tweet from their friends and followers.


 Why wait till your product is officially launched before you start making money?

Collecting money for pre-orders is an excellent technique to generate excitement. Customers are now invested. Making the product accessible for purchase early convinces them that it is more than a notion.

They’ll also begin informing their friends, family, and social media followers.


Don’t put off marketing your product until it’s ready to go. Start generating buzz early on, even if the product is still in development.

Segment the market within your overall target audience. Test your product and write about it on your blog.

Teaser videos can be used to spark your clients’ interest.

Use video demonstrations to highlight how the product works and promote it at special events. As a promotional tool, use all of your marketing channels.

Pre-orders are a great way to start collecting money.

Once your product is ready to go, double-check that everything is in functioning order. You don’t want your customers to have any issues.

Prepare your sales staff. Your customer support employees must be well-informed and ready to respond to any inquiries.

Don’t let up on the pace. Even after the product has been released, continue to promote it aggressively. Follow this approach for a successful launch. 

What techniques does your organization employ to create buzz for its newest products? Do comment below. 

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